Choreographed by Vickie Vance-Johnson & Kevin Johnson
Description: 32 count, 2 wall, intermediate line dance
Music:Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley;

Elvis & Andy by Confederate Railroad;

I Try To Think About Elvis by Patty Loveless

Source :Rose Haven

, 404.379.1213 or rose@atlantalinedance.com


1-2 Roll hips to the left one rotation using two beats of music
3-4 Roll hips to the left one rotation using two beats of music.
5 Twist lower body leftward and point right knee leftward (towards other knee).
6 Twist lower body rightward and point left knee rightward (towards other knee).
7 Twist lower body leftward and point right knee leftward (towards other knee).
8 Twist lower body rightward and point left knee rightward (towards other knee).

1 Step your left foot across and in front of your right foot (keep weight on toe, leave
heel raised). While stepping, move your left arm rearward and right arm forward
at waist level.
2 While lowering your left heel to the floor, snap your fingers.
3 Step to your right with your right foot (keep weight on toe, leave heel raised).
While stepping, move your left arm rearward and right arm forward at waist level.
4 While lowering your right heel to the floor, snap your fingers.
5-8 Repeat 1 -4 above

1 Step left foot forward to ¼ turn right (3:00).
2 Pivot ½ turn right (9:00), and transfer weight forward to right foot.
3 Step left foot forward.
4 Turn ¼ to left on left foot (6:00), while touching right toe beside left heel.
5 With weight on left heel, swivel left toe and body rightward as you tap right
heel forward.
6 With weight on left toe, swivel left heel rightward as you touch right toe beside
left heel.
7 With weight on left heel, swivel left toe rightward as you tap right heel forward.
8 With weight on left toe, swivel left heel rightward as you touch right to next to
left heel.
(Easy variation for counts 4 – 8: turn ¼ left on left foot as right steps next to L
and swivel both heels to right (4); swivel both toes to right (5); swivel both heels to right
(6); swivel both toes to right (7); swivel both heels to right (8).

(You may jazz this up by hopping on the leg that does not go out when touching your
Heel forward.)
1,2 Touch right heel slightly forward with strong emphasis; Step right foot next to left;
3,4 Touch left heel slightly forward with strong emphasis; Step left foot next to right.
5,6 Touch right heel slightly forward with strong emphasis; Step right foot next to left.
7,8 Touch left toe diagonally forward toward; Hold one count.